Apple wants to keep the boxed iPhones lying in the store updated, and the company seems to have found a new tech system to make it work.News 

In-store availability of Apple’s iOS update for iPhones may start next month.

Apple is planning a major technical update that will allow the company to deliver the latest iOS updates to iPhones that are still in the box. The company has been working on a new technology that allows it to keep in-store iPhones updated instead of waiting for someone to buy a device, unbox it, and then manually update the iOS version. It’s an interesting development, and according to reports, Apple will have it in its retail stores next month.

Apple Store iPhone Update Mode: How It Works

As Bloomberg mentioned in October last year, Apple’s unique update technology could be called Presto. The company basically plans to attach a metal unit near the iPhone cases inside the store, which pushes power to the device.

Now, Apple uses the same technology to push iOS updates without removing the iPhone from the box. The device will turn off automatically after the update is installed. In this way, Apple keeps iPhones safe and sound so that people can buy them without having to manually update the iOS version.

We’re not sure how an iPhone boots out of the box only to install an update and shut down, but it’s clear that Apple has figured out a way to make it happen. We hope that charging these cased iPhones will not affect the overall health of the battery in the long run.

The new update system will be available for iPhones held at Apple Stores in the US from April this year, with support for other markets expected later this year.

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